Most Common Signs Of Workplace Discrimination

Most Common Signs Of Workplace Discrimination

Most Common Signs Of Workplace Discrimination


Even though workplace discrimination has been illegal for years, it still exists. The only way to end workplace discrimination is to report incidences, file lawsuits, and expose discriminatory practices. Most businesses are concerned with the bottom line and will only stop discriminating when large convictions and settlements make discrimination unaffordable. Learn more about workplace discrimination by talking to an attorney today.

What is workplace discrimination?

Workplace discrimination occurs when an employer treats one employee more favorably than another because of a specific attribute, such as:



Sex or pregnancy status

National origin



Citizenship status

Genetic information


Sexual orientation

Despite strict laws forbidding companies from discriminating against employees, thousands of workers file discrimination lawsuits yearly. To launch a claim for workplace discrimination, a worker must produce evidence that their work engages in discriminatory practices.

What are the signs of workplace discrimination?

The most common signs of workplace discrimination are:

A very high turnover rat

Discriminatory behavior in the workplace may lead to unusually high turnover rates. Even though there may be many reasons people leave jobs rapidly, discrimination may be one of them. People who have been discriminated against often seek new employment rather than legal assistance. Workers should, however, assert their rights under federal and state employment laws.

Lack of diversity

Workplace discrimination is visible in the staff’s lack of diversity in many circumstances. If everyone in your job is the same race, gender, age, or sexual orientation, then it may be a sign of discrimination. Throughout the employment process, employers are not allowed to consider race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.

Fixed roles

Suppose your organization has only one gender in managerial positions and the other in secretarial jobs. In that case, this could indicate discrimination, particularly if the gender in the nonmanagerial role is qualified for promotion but has never received one.

Denied promotions

If you have the abilities and experience required for a higher-level position but have regularly been passed over, workplace discrimination may be at play. Especially if you expressed interest in the new position, it was awarded to a less competent candidate.

Questionable hiring practices

Employers are generally barred from asking interview questions targeting an applicant’s protected class.

The language that reveals unlawful bias

Another way to recognize workplace discrimination is to listen for language that exposes an employer’s illegal bias. This includes statements that stereotype some protected classes and question their ability to work because of their protected characteristics.

If you believe you are the victim of workplace discrimination, you need an experienced lawyer. Schedule a consultation today.


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